Saturday, August 06, 2005

Gouezeleg ar laithean-ne

Hallo a chairdean, de tha dol, tha rannan bronach agam dhuibh a-rithist, mu dheidhinn bhais, agus feise, agus a' chuthaich. Ach carson a tha mi a' deanamh seo co-dhiu, chan eil uidh agaibh ann, oh mo chreach, mo chreach sa thainig, boo-hoo. Tha torr a dhith oirbh fhathast.

An aite a 's fhearr leam

Silence unreigned all over the place
With just the easing of the breath
Now, you'd think it was death
Had calmed a warlike race

She turned naked in her sleep
He lay awake by her side
And listened to the welcome glide
Of breath from the glowing deep

Bringing news that all was well
As though that could never be
They'd been so very close to hell

But love spread over with the dawn
He nipped gently at her breast
Then smiled as she began to yawn

Agus a-nis, fear bronach

Sex is a social distemper
A fever that once will be cured
And as the bodies dismember
My mind will be inured
To the curves of passion
While my thoughts decayed
I wondered what was the cause of crashing
Between the wills that flayed
Their corpses between them mutually
For a prize to the one who's more vicious
Their souls negated by the love
That they dreamed of as delicious


mat e yafe ar chaseal da vloaz all, ma mignonez


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