Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Bleigeardachd a' bhaile mhoir

Hallo, hallo a chairdean, nach annasach e nuair a tha an uidhear de Naisich a' basachadh nar latha-ne. An Toiseach Eideard Heath, agus a-nis Iain Tyndall sean-cheannard a' BhNP. Agus ron a sin Am Pap agus Seumas Callaghan. Co bhios an ath fhear no te. Mairead an Tughaidhear, smathaid, neo a' Bhan-Righ. Neo Maighstir Griffin, neo na b'eibhinne buileach, fear anns an Riaghaltas, mar am fear dall nach ainmich mi, neo Seonaidh Srabh, oh tha iad uile cho olc, nach eil? Agus airidh air duais math ann an ifrinn. Nan leughadh sibhse leabhar sam bith le Mark Curtis gheibheadh sibh na tha mi a-mach air.
Ach co-dhiu, agus a-nis airson an da uair a thide a tha romhainn, bardachd;

Social peace in inadequacy
My wishes' dreams are fraught
With fragility and dyspepsia
Of a mental kind I sexually caught
But love is the transmission
Of lies and pain and guilt
It reaches into your chest
To read there the message on the hilt
To ease a passing passion
To cure a lonesome heart
The corpses lie together as
Their wishes lead them apart
Into the gloom they set to wander
To bring about a fix of glee
Without seeing that the deeds they ponder
Are easier without the deeds unfree
Egoless and peaceable
Just for the unjust
Love will be the time when murder
Is unthinkable with lust
So let me drown in my own melancholy
My jealousy of all who breathe
Shall see my mind collapse enough
And my troubled thoughts unseeing seethe

Bho phearsanta, gu poilitigeach

When pondering on petroleum
I feel the truth should be told
It is a crock of shit forsooth
If death could be so bold
So bury the oil that's been lifted
And refrain from burning the rest
The distillers truly are the fuckwits
Let's beat it from their breast
A corporate plan to asphyxiate
The world and all of its trees
In time we'll kill all the richest
In spite of the State and their pleas
To create a world without Satan
The princes boldly lobotomised
All their Gods and prophets
Until the people are downsized
By minions of the money men
All business is a rapists ploy
To butcher by all means necessary
In truth we are no toys
But free thinking human beings
The most powerful not created by God
And when we come to insurrection
We'll slay the people pimps like dogs
Fuck the future when it's fascist
Fuck the fascists and their fuhrer
New Labour sucks blood from necks
And bludgeons mothers from their future
So shoot the Labour party and the left
Before starting on the right
Free communism or death my friends
Life to be lived or night

Nach mi tha sunndach, co-dhiu, latha math dhuibh, agus tioraidh


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