Mont a ra mat ganeoc'h mignonez?
Hallo, a chairdean, tha mo shean flatmate anns an ospadal a-rithist, le tinneas inntinn air choireigin, ach tha e a' coimhead nas caoile, agus bha e ann an deagh shunnd nuair a chaidh mi a choimhead air an-diugh. Agus tha mo fhlatmate ur a' gabhail an uiread de dhrogaichean nach bi e fada mus teid esan an sas anns an aon rud. Tha mi'n dochas nach bi, ach chi sinn de thachras.
Co-dhiu, airson mo thinneas fhein, seo dain neo dha.
But now I watch the ceiling's rafters
For signs of life inside this hold
My eyes have seen too much of death
I wish for cockroaches to behold
And grow with mice and centipedes
Upon the shell of the dying world
To start the folly now anew
To bring a spark to the hollow-hulled
For as sleep fell on humanity
For the final time the ships were berthed
And rotting fibres found their rest
The soul of man was lastly earthed
As the explosions tore apart the atoms
That latterly had had a place
My gloom reached unearthly pitch
I sobbed in silence, twisted face
That now twitches with the current
That ran through me as water fell
I dispersed my thoughts so peaceably
The jealous world will cry all hell
Upon this cadaver that escaped
The mutual curse that ended life
The grossest lie was saved for last
We save ourselves in unending strife
Dan mu dheidhinn deireadh an t-saoghail
Ach a-nise rudeigin buileach eadar-dhealaichte
Depth of the sea I've passed
Where ships and trawlers lie
The wreckage of the economical
My wisdom never tried
To breach the thought that minds are lost
Along with hearts that never illed
My mind will reckon up the cost
Of the death in waves, in tides, in still
Waters I sink but swim for deep
And wait to slowly implode
There's no point exploring the damage
The sea it always bodes
Ill to those who've crossed it
And ill to those who stayed
We'll be drowned in time as water shines
On the beaches that we flayed
To speak in Navajotion
Is all we can do to refund
The loss of a world that we murdered
On the other side of the sand
Nach sin tha sanntach, ille
Mar sin leibh
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