tha mi cho sona ri briogais sioda
Hallo a chairdean, a-nis tha ho-ro gheallaidh Bob Geldof seachad. Nise, co chreideadh gun d'rinn e dad de dhiofar airson daoine bochda Afraga agus nam milltean de thuath-cheatharnaich anns na h-Innsean a tha a' feitheamh airson chobhair bho iompaireachdain malairteach calpachasach an t-saoghail. Co tha a' creidsinn gu bheil esan a' creidsinn fhacail a thuirt e no co a dheidheadh as aicheadh gur e tagradh airson cumhachd a tha e a fiathachadh dhuinn gun teid sinn an sas innte airson's gun dean e deoghal air bod meardha TB coir nas fhearr le taic bho amadain an t-saoghail. 'S e duine gu math sinigeach a th'annam ach carson a chreidinn facal a labhair nam bleigeardan beairteach co-dhiu.
Ach seo bardachd
Stop messing about
With popes and papal thrones
The world belongs to peasants
Who aren't anchorites or crones
If we can kill the half-dead masters
Then we'll be free of proddy lies
No God above can tell us
Which way our future lies
Except for the anti-nazis
Who live heaven here on earth
Let's kill us all a fascist
And let their cavities be the berth
Of the daggers of righteous folly
The swords of proley justice
The answer is our freedom
And not the life compulsive
Ma chlo-bhuaileas duine sam bith na daintean a tha seo, bidh mi cho taingeil gun teid mi a thoirt na cinn dheth na bodaich, na naisich a-mhain. Ach chan eil moran coltas gun tachair sin.
A black flag is all I can muster
For my poor recalcitrant heart
A mourning for all of my wonder
I lived to fall apart
The thunder that struck me in silence
Ripped apart the threads of my thoughts
And returned me, in oh so much violence
To the earth I'd seen as nought
The blackness pours out of my eyeballs
And chokes the voice in my throat
I'm wrong there are no more marvels
To lift me, release me, afloat
But I'm sinking in smoke as it floods
From the holes in my body's vision
I'm lost in rebellion for blood
My anarchy remains my prison
But my heart is steadied by fumes
Of lost love and hope and desire
And released as they exhume
My past life will burn in the fire
Me a zo o vont da verc'heta
Daibhidh Ceannfalamh
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