Air ais uair a-rithist le maighstir nan ceannarcach
Hallo a-rithist, tha mi nas sona na bha mi, o chionn gun do choinnich mi le mo charaid a b'fhearr bhon a' chiad da bhliadhna aig an Oilthigh. Se duine laghach a th'ann agus tha e a-nis sgriobhadh airson paipear naidheachd, ged nach ainmich mi an dearbh fhear. Tha mi gu luath a' dol a bhith nam bhodach, gun chiall, gun naire, gun uaill, ach le naimhdeas dhan ar uachdarain a' gabhail aite an tur a bha nam cheann. Ma tha duine sam bith ag eisdeachd, tha la a' deanamh sgeil do la fior mhath, agus torr na b'fhearr na am fear mu dheireadh aig Aonghas Phadraig. Cha robh am fear sin cho math, nam bheachd, bha e ro chothromach mu dheidhinn cogadh siobhalta na spainne, agus ro romansach mu dheidhinn caraidean bruideil, a bha a' dochann a cheile, ach a bha cur suas ri cheile cuideachd. Carson? Co dhiu, tha mi a' faireachdainn gu bheil mo litricheadh agus mo ghramair gam teireachdainn, le dith cleachdadh, agus gun a bhith gleusda orra, de rinn mi aig an Oilthigh co-dhiu?
Ach, theid mi air adhairt le mo bhardachd, cha duirt duine sam bith gun robh e sgriosal, agus mar sin,
By unnatural poison all devices
Are hatched and slowly brought to bear
The thoughts of hope that do escape
Are spurned as unbefitting wear
For the outside world of traps and fission
My words lead on to my rotting corpse
And are spurned also for submission
To the historical; my state, of course
And rebellion is strangled
At birth by sheer midwiffery
As doctors project your path in life
Thrown overboard from a local ferry
By the gangland thugs that rule the roost
And have secretaries to boot
To purloin the lives of millions
And crush the feeble underfoot
It's pain at once that brings it back
The plots of capital to unhinge
By stripping them of their discipline
Reticence and an awkward cringe
An ath fhear
Madness has a noble past
When we wandered through the woods
I kissed her, not fearfully, as I should
But in accord with the voices by which I'm harassed
Whose crazy time means Joukahainen
Can't find a girl to ease his eyes
Except for the wench who he already is
He's twenty times the women
That in my lucid phases
Scratch my skin and out comes honey
I will kiss again it amazes
That barren pills will never reach
The truth kernel inside this bunny
Sex is more coloured than bleach
Rinn mi beagan atharrachadh air sin fhad's a bha mi ga taipeadh, de do bheachd, a bheil e airidh air barrachd?
Despair, despair has disappeared
I tremble with new life
Along with a new urge
To find the anti-wife
A wench who'll copulate carnally
And not be content with Plato
If I'm ready I'll as ever be
Dead to the worldly world-o
To live alone is plenty
To fuck alone is weird
If I could contradict the two above
My fortune would appear
A life lived as living fool
O gelatinous goo of love
If I could be a globule
I'd preach to God above
There is no warmth in the abstract
My heart needs bodies bare
Just as Nazis need a penis
On which to turn their glare
But penis Nazis are the worst
Of all the types of wench
If she'd contradict me lovingly
She'd be no fuhrer wench
But a return of les paysans
The slowly courteous desire
Which moulders in her bosom
And scalds me with its ire
Sin agaibh e, air an larna-mhaireach bidh mi gur toirt air turas tro choille ioma-dhathteach Inbhirbhriogais gu ceann loch Achadh nan Giobarlagan
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