Tuesday, September 06, 2005

barrachd bardachd

Chaidh mi a-steach gu buth-leabhar nan Gaidheal ann an sraid mansfield an-diugh, agus bha mi a' bruidhinn ris an te aig an desc, bha i gu math laghach, Sann a Leodhas a bha i, agus an seachdain mu dheireadh bha mi a' bruidhinn ri te ann am buth rannsachadh aillse ann an Shawlands. Sann a Barraigh a bha ise, agus a-rithist, bha i laghach,
Seo daintean

The gods that gave us to the past
Were wise and good and just
Unlike the pain that lasts with us
They knew us, and we trust
The visions, fits, in which we see
Their faces, acts and warnings
Not to spend ourselves in greed
But to rise slowly with the morning
To sleep soundly with the knowledge
That our acts will dissipate
With the moment that we pass from earth
And not endure, accumulate
The pain that always stays with work
On distant ends and vicious aims
In the ugly wares of domination
To which all fascists lay their claim
The truth is impossible to see it seems
But must be excavated
There is no god in tower blocks
By which we are created.

Seo fear goirid

My innate nature was distorted
By the truths I cared to seek
When all my mind was fratricide
My future cold and bleak
But now I've buggered up my mental
State and cannot think
I think I'll take my books of pain
And wash them down the sink


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