latha gun a' ghinideach
uill, uill, bhuannaich na h-Albannaich am ball-coise an-diugh. Nach eil coir againn taic a chur riutha airson na rinn iad. Ach ' s e duthaich gun chiall neo beartas a th'againn agus, nach biodh e na bu iomchaidhe an stat a bhristeadh as a cheile na amadain a leantal gu call eile. Hee-hee ni sinn a' ghnothach air an t-saoghail gu leir! Co-dhiu cheannsaich sinn Moldova agus feumar ho-ro gheallaidh a dheanamh air sgath sin.
Bha mi ann an staing a' taghadh de an ath phios bhardachd a chuirinn romhaibh. Agus air sgath sin, tha mi a' dol a chur tri a-mach agus nam b'e gun tig cail air ais bhuaibh bidh mi air mo dhoigh.
Tha am blog seo gun moran chiall ach,
All prisons are fascistic
They suck the life out of the soul
And when he surveyed his hole
He thought "the truth it makes me sick"
The mind how it weakens
When tongues and conscience disappear
The refusal of fear
Left him in chains, the plot thickens
A terror war unlike no other
With lands so holy as the prize
But where's the depth of holiness
The life has died in his eyes
And the point of faith grows less
With the rise of official murder
Hee-hee nach eil sin Alba an aghaidh nan Sasannach ann an dan deanta goirid.
Slippage of the fundamental
Toilet training for the poor
My flatmate's made of metal
And daubs his face with spoor
If ever I become a preacher
I'll sodomise the business class
With a copy of the Good News Bible
Like Jesus only more exceptionless
In time I'll find forgiveness
For the Aryan Nation's crimes
But only when Blair and Blunkett
Are tarred and feathered and smeared with lime
And then I'll see the future burning
In cities all across the globe
As the police begin igniting
Their chief constables for inciting Jove
The godless minions cry forever
Let's set about our hearse-like feet
And barbecue ourselves in rubber
Just like they did with men in sheets
Goodbye forever Ku Klux like a chicken
Who give milk as black as pitch
The temps defendu share around
The robes to be unstitched
And burning crosses are seen
In churches all across the land
Along with burning congregations
To death the hour is now at hand
When we murder righteously
The fascists at our head
And then onward into the future
When Paul McCartney's dead
Ahh Pol bochd
If the world ends today
I'll be happy come tomorrow
When it begins once more
And youth will let me follow
The woman of my nightmare
Who ended all my pain
She begins a new rebuttal
I am not really of the brain
But a body falling downward
Into the gardens below
Where orchards let fall their fruit
And I'm left alone to flow
From one cave to the next
Not knowing where the dead
Have made their homes beneath
To hide from those they led
Oh God, these men are monsters
The Dictators of our time
If we could burn them blindly
From heaven's depths I'd climb
To reach a peaceful earth
That finally had a point
Government escapes reason
But humanity anoints
Humanity with all its hopes
If we're different we're the same
But all in all indifferent
To monsters and their fame
The world's too good to die
And Africans are too beautiful
For mother Europe's cages
And I think that I know why
The human race is one
Despite the division of laws
If we were once united
We'd escape the leading maws
So banish fear of statesmen
Indulge in love of freedom
And perhaps in time unknown as yet
We'll be worth each other's time to come
Carson a tha mi a'cur rann amaideach romhaibh,uill chan eil fhios 'am ach 's mathaid airson ur cinn a sgoltadh le m'inntinn. La di da, nach bu choir dhuinn a bhith moiteil as na balaich, cho beartach ged nach eil iad fiach dad. Ah co-dhiu, sin mise airson latha eile.
A-nis tillidh sinn gu ar program sanasaichte Leighiche Co?
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