Thursday, May 26, 2005

latha eile, is latha ri buain

Nach e laithean sona a th'againn, leis na Staitean Ameireaganach a' sgaoileadh na h-impireachd aca thairis air an t-saoghal gu leir, airson traillean a dheanamh dhinn. Ach, a-maireach, nuair a thig mo dheagh-charaid Tony suas a Crookston, bidh ar-a-mach beag ann, beag, ach bidh e ann gu dearbh.
Agus an uair sin, splaoid. Lige a' Phop, nighnean tarraingeach, ceol aighearach, deagh smuid. Cuiridh sinn as do dh'impireachd a' bhroin le bhith marbh a' bhroin nar cridheachan, neo thoirt na cinn dheth an riaghaltas. An aon rud neo an rud eile.
Co-dhiu, seo dan feargach dhaibh

Plucked from popery I protest
That peacetime is a sham
There's always war by other means
They screw us up like hams
The class above us rule our thoughts
With mind-control techniques
There is no way in time
To scale the monstrous peaks
And redistribute from on high
The journey warps your mind
Until you're screwing over on the sly
All paupers that you may find
Why aren't there more riots
More palaces burning to a crisp
I wish I could start it off
In any way, I lisp
Like those who suppurate
And drip with others' gore
But butchery becomes us
Lets kill the richest bores
A levelling of distinction
A heart that speaks so free
In words of time gone past
Yesterday at half past three
When the general's head exploded
And splattered kith and kin
No rule our lives are freedom
When we murder the powerful we begin
To take control of our own lives
And sing the praise of love
A solid solidarity grows
And banishes god from up above

Slan leibh

Sunday, May 22, 2005

crois-dhearg air eiginn

Bhuannaich sgioba na Pap am ball-coise an-diugh, agus mar sin, tha mi cho bronach, nach urrainn dhomh cail a sgriobhadh, ach seo;

Sodomy leads to disenchantment
The only beauty is in a bird
Her hair and chest promote a vision
Or confuse the things I've heard
If true love lies in promiscuity
Where did I go so wrong
My solitary longing decomposes
Too just to be strung along
But lately I've been wrong in thinking
That hope lies in the fickler sex
There is no hope I tell myself
Just to prove I have effects
On those who traipse around my body
Like dustflies on a mouldy corpse
I can't remember when I lived
The heathen moorlands full of gorse
Are where I lost my link with love
And any mind I may have had
In truth I am a bumpkin brutal
A bewildered, blundering, brain-dead lad
For although my thoughts are rarely spoken
My heart spills over with the same
A reminiscence of the time I wanted
To think for once, and then again
But now the dearth of feeling closes
My hands are severed from her hands
And any life inside my hull
Will be triggered by some other land
Without the nightmare fast approaching
Of concrete, tar and lungs like pitch
I'll settle down and make a wife
With my smooth, invisible, lustful bitch.

Ah mo chreach, tha mi cho sgith. Ach choimhead mi Stat An Lios an-diugh agus Dearrsadh Greine Siorraidh na h-Inntinne gun Smal an-de, agus bha iad math, ach bha Dearrsadh na b'fhearr, nam thomhais co-dhiu. Chi mi Di-Luain sibh!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

laithean geala

Hallo a naimhdean, fhuair mi beagan solas an-diugh, nuair a fhuair mi a-mach gum b'urrainn dhomh dol air mo laithean saora comhla ri mo theaghlach, agus, gum faodainn rachadh, (nach eil sin na facal snog) gu lige naiseanta a' phop ann an ceann an iar Glaschu oidhche h-Aoine. Bidh splaoid mor ann a-sin tha mi'n duil. Ach deoch, deoch, deoch, nach eil sin na h-amaideas, gu h-araidh nuair a tha feum agad air sgriob mor a thoirt ann an car an ath latha gu ruige Ardfearn, ge bith de tha sin anns a' Ghaidhlig. Ard Fearna 's mathaid? Co-dhiu, bidh mi ann, le mo cheann gus sgoltadh leis an daorach, agus diobhairt a' ruith sios gu m'adhbrannan, 'sdocha nach bi mi ann fada mus can iad, hoigh, a bhalaich, thoir do chasan dhachaigh, ged a tha e miltean bho sin gu Glaschu, agus mi le aithreachas airson mo pheacadh; a bhith a' creidsinn gu bheil Dia a' frithealadh na misgearan na throcair le pinntean Guinness. Agus as deidh sin nach can e guth ach "b'e deagh oidhche a bha sin a Dhaibhidh, nach robh?" Tha Dia cho deidheil air na dibhe.
Co-dhiu, a bharrachd air toibheum, tha dan agam dhaibh;

No order, but disorder
Reason wins through against all doubt
Natural chaos comes from loving
As a fool I walk about
And spread my madness to the trees
That once I did become
Enveloped in their earthy tendrils
My brain cells start to hum
The song; my life's a disaster
In 6/8 time with a smile
I'll compose the tune of the bastards
Who cut me up a while
All gods, all demons do repose
On high in mountains sheer
But their corpses now are putrid
And their thoughts have disappeared
So to the material engine
That goaded me to this cliff
My lover's body happily glowing
That answered as I went stiff
I am for you but you've rescinded
The love inside turns to hate
And your soul will now be banished
As from your head the piles of slate
Form and then shatter apart
For all laws are not worth much when they're split
By one man, one monster, one god
Leave life, you're worthless, you're spit

Agus air an slige-boma a tha sin, feasgar math!

Friday, May 20, 2005


Mu dheireadh thall, dh'obraich e. Tha mi cho toilichte leis nach b'urrainn dhomh stad a chuir orm. Seo dan eile, ach nas giorra buileach.

Gone are all the popes
Who beckon from the earth
The dagger found its berth
In the heart of anti-hope

Kill the master-singers
Kill the dead-for-life
Leave us with the strife
That makes us death's dead ringers

I have no time for sex
It's a curse from society
I'll evade my hex

And then burn the free
Who are our only rex
Let's leave their company

Nach robh sin sgrathail? Chan eil mi ag radh gu bheil mi an aghaidh feise, ach nam faiceadh tu an te a bha mise a' suiridhe ris, chuireadh e bacadh ort le te sam bith eile cuideachd. Ach tha boireannaich bhreagha air a' Ghaidhealtachd. Agus chan eil iad cho olc, cuilbheirteach, seolta, cealgach ri iad sin air a' Ghalldachd, tha mi'n duil. S docha gum faigh mi te dhiubh sin ann an aithghearrachd, ach sdocha nach faigh. Tha dan eile agams an-seo ann an Gaidhlig

A' Ghrian a' losgadh agus a' tearnadh sios
Air talamh torrach a-nis na smal
Cha robh na dheanadh sinne cail
A chuireadh ceart ar mearachd shios

Sinne le ar lamhan fuilteach
A' coimhead dathadh clach na sula
Gach creutair marbh air ar culaibh
Ach sin a chunnaic agus shluigeadh

Cuirp nam marbh bho gach cultair
Cuirp nach faireachadh gu brath a' bhroin
A bhith gun domhainn a thogadh nadar

Neo sin a thogadh riaraichte lon
Do dhuine, ainmhidh neo creutair
Chaill sinn ar slighe a-measg nan ron

Nach iad a tha sunndach?

Slan leibh.

A' chiad latha

Duisgibh, duisgibh a fhearaibh, tha mi an seo, bodach as a rian ann an teis-meadhan na h-Alba, le teachdaireachd mu dheidhinn na tha ri thighinn air an larach ionmholta a tha seo. 'S e sin, buamastaireachd, ach rudan a bharrachd air sin cuideachd, mar bhardachd, beachdan, ar-a-mach soisealta, agus torr, torr bhreugan.

An diugh;
Choisich mi a-steach dhan bhaile mhor air an da latha mu dheireadh, bha e neonach an-de, ach an-diugh bha mi ro sgith aig an deireadh airson cail a dheanamh. Ach tha an nobhail agam "Anti-Platypus" a' dol air adhairt gu siubhlach. Tha e araon cac is adhartach.

Seo dan dhaibh;

In Democracy all songs
Sound like handicaps
There is no singing voice
To release me from its crap
But that of Devil Satan
The Chief of Priests of Christ
Who rings the new abortion
The Gods shall be my heist
For I am truly Bagputys
The Latvian God of the sea
If I were to banish God
There's be nothing left but me
So welcome to the Afterworld
The chief priest dies today
And all the sins will be forgotten
As murder dies away
If all mankind just slept
Then evil could forget
Why crime is unmentioned
In the land of alphabet
Jesus had so many names
Before he murdered man
If I could live like I want to
There'd be no way to ban
The return of all the demons
The Satans by the score
Who wish to reconnoitre
The heaven lands of yore
Paradise does not belong
In the lands that lie beyond
Touch a woman's bosom
And you'll be there my friend

Sin agaibh e, a bhalachaibh. Cuiridh mi as do iompaireachd na calpachais air latha air choireigin, ach an-drast tha mi ro thrang a' sgriobhadh. Mar sin leibh